We acknowledge that we live and work on unceded country. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.

Zoe Scoglio is an artist of European descent living and working on the unceded lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung in Central Victoria. Often working collaboratively, conversationally and ecologically, her practice considers the space of art as a site of community and collective study.  Her current research questions how somatic praxis can help make perceptible the limits of the western imaginary and contribute to processes of deep organising and climate justice.  This has involved (co)hosting reading groups, workshops, walks and events, as well as stepping back a while to listen and learn.


Zoe Scoglio

Zoe Scoglio is an artist of European descent living and working on the unceded lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung in Central Victoria. Often working collaboratively, conversationally and ecologically, her practice considers the space of art as a site of community and collective study.  Her current research questions how somatic praxis can help make perceptible the limits of the western imaginary and contribute to processes of deep organising and climate justice.  This has involved (co)hosting reading groups, workshops, walks and events, as well as stepping back a while to listen and learn.


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